Wednesday, February 28, 2024

MP2 Calculator: 2023 Dividend

MP2 Calculator is an app for computing how much your MP2 (Modified Pag-IBIG 2) savings may grow based on actual dividend rates. The MP2 Savings is a special voluntary savings facility with a 5-year maturity, designed for active Pag-IBIG Fund members who wish to save more and earn even higher dividends, in addition to their Pag-IBIG Regular Savings.

The MP2 dividend for 2023 has been announced. We have updated the MP2 Calculator Android app (version 0.2.0) and the web app at

If you have comments, suggestions, and inquiries, you can email us at or you can also send us a message.

Originally published at the Sweldong Pinoy Blog

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Toll Pinas: CALAX February 2024 Update

Toll Pinas Feature Graphic
Toll Pinas is an app that you can use to find out the toll fee you need to pay for expressways in the Philippines. The toll rates for CALAX (Cavite-Laguna Expressway) have changed effective February 10, 2024. We have updated the Toll Pinas app with the new rates. You can download the lates version (1.3.3) at and let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions.