Saturday, January 4, 2020

Tigcal Apps and Projects in 2019

Tigcal Apps and Projects

The repository for Tigcal Apps has been open sourced on Github. Tigcal Apps has served as my sandbox project for learning and working on Material Design Components, AndroidX, Kotlin, Dark Theme, and more.

Sweldong Pinoy

There has been two major updates to Sweldong Pinoy this year. The SSS contribution was updated based from Republic Act No. 11199 (The Social Security Act of 2018). PhilHealth contribution was also updated based from the Universal Health Care Act (Republic Act No. 11223) and PhilHealth released Circular 2019-009. Other updates included design improvements and Dark Theme for the Android app.

Budget Pinoy

We have also released the new version of Budget Pinoy, which now has a web app at other than the Android app.

Budget Pinoy is a tool for Filipinos in finding out how much their asking salary should be based on their budget. Users can input their budgets and specify if they are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Annnually. These will be totalled and the app will show the user the asking rate they need to earn enough for their budget. The net pay and deductions are computed using Sweldong Pinoy.

Boto Ko

Boto Ko was also updated for the 2019 National and Local Elections in the Philippines. The candidates for senators and party list representatives have been added in a list so it will be easier to select. In the party-list selection, there is an additional button to view the party list's nominees.

Tigcal Samples, Tigcal Utils

I also added in my Tigcal Samples repository the Android projects I've worked with in the past few months and the Bill Calculator I removed from Tigcal Utils. A separate repository was also made for my Tigcal Utilities app.